Hittite Diplomatic Documents

Covenant formula, binding and oath and the vassal treaty

Treaty between Suppiluliuma I of Hatti and Huqqana of Hayasa


§1 (A i 1-5) Thus says My Majesty, Suppiluliuma, King of Hatti: I have now elevated you, Huqqana, a lowly dog, and have treated you well. In Hattusa I have distinguished you among the men of Hayasa and have given you my sister in marriage.

Loyalty to Hittite Dynasty

§2 (A i 6-11) All of Hatti, the land of Hayasa, and the outlying and central lands have heard of you. Now you, Huqqana, recognize only My Majesty as overlord. And recognize my son whom I, My Majesty, designate: "Everyone shall recognize this one," and thus distinguish among <his brothers(?)>.

§3 (A i 12-21) Furthermore, benevolently recognize my sons - his brothers - and [my] brothers in brotherhood and comradeship. But beyond that you shall not recognize any other nobleman, whoever he might be, behind the back of My Majesty. Recognize [only] My Majesty and protect My Majesty! And as I, My Majesty, have treated you, Huqqana, [well] – if you, Huqqana, do not in the future benevolently protect My Majesty, and if the person of My Majesty is not as dear to you as your own person is dear to you, and the concerns of My Majesty have not taken precedence for you, you will transgress the oath.

§4 (A i 22-30) And if you are not well-disposed to the person of My Majesty, the soul of My Majesty, and the body of My Majesty, and do not hold me in a protective embrace in the same way as you are well-disposed to your own person, soul, and body, and hold yourself in a protective embrace, and if the concerns of My Majesty have not taken precedence for you - or if you ever hear evil concerning My Majesty from someone and conceal it from me, and do not speak of it to me, and do not point out that person but even hide him, you will transgress the oath.

Mutual Loyalty

§5 (A i 31-34) You, Huqqana, benevolently protect My Majesty, and stand behind only My Majesty. You shall not recognize anyone else beyond that. And I, My Majesty, will benevolently protect you. Later, I will protect your sons, and my son will protect your sons.

§6 (A i 35-40) And if you always behave well and benevolently protect My Majesty, then I, My Majesty, will later act favorably in regard to your sons, and my son will benevolently protect your sons. I, My Majesty, will protect you. I have now placed these words under oath for you, and we have now summoned the Thousand Gods to assembly in this matter.
Divine Witnesses

§7 (A i 41-47) The Sun-god of Heaven, the Sun-goddess of Arinna, the Storm-god of Heaven, the Storm-god of Hatti, the Storm-god of Aleppo, the Storm-god of Arinna, the Storm-god of Zippalanda, the Storm-god of Sapin- uwa, the Storm-god of Nerik, the Storm-god of Hisashapa, the Storm-god of Sahpina, the Storm-god of the Army, the Storm-god of the Market(?), the Storm-god of Uda, the Storm-god of Kizzuwatna, the Storm-god of Pitti- yarik, the Storm-god of Samuha, [the Storm-god] of Sarissa, the Storm-god of Hurma, the Storm-god of Lihzina, the Storm-god of the Ruin Mound, the Storm-god [of...], the Storm-god of Hulasa, Hebat of Uda, Hebat of Kiz- zuwatna,

§8 (A i 48-59) the Tutelary Deity, the Tutelary Deity of Hatti, Zithariya, Karzi, Hapantaliya, the Tutelary Deity of Karahna, the Tutelary Deity [of the Countryside], the Tutelary Deity of the Hunting Bag. Aya, Ishtar, Ishtar of the Countryside, Ishtar of Nineveh, [Ishtar] of Hattarina, Ishtar, Queen of Heaven, Ninatta, Kulitta, the War-god, the War-god of Illaya, the War-god [of Arziya], all the deities of the army, Marduk, Allatu, [the Sun-goddess] of the Earth, Huwassanna of Hupisna, Ayabara of Samuha, Hantitassu [of Hurma], Katahha of Ankuwa, [Ammamma] of Tahurpa, the Queen of Katapa, Hallara of Dunna, the [mountain-dweller] gods, the [mercenary] gods, all the deities of Hatti, the deities [...] of the land, the deities of heaven, the deities of the earth, the mountains, [the rivers, the springs, the clouds], heaven, the earth, the great sea - they [shall be witnesses]. [After the ends of three lines there is a gap of about thirty lines at the close of column i of Text A.]


§9 (A ii 1) [...] and if you do not tell me about him, but even [hide] him,

§10 (A ii 2-9) or go over to him, abandoning My Majesty -- if you act thus, these oath deities will not leave you alone, nor on your account will they leave alone that man to whom you go over. They shall destroy him. And the oath gods shall not neglect this matter in regard to both of you, and they shall not make it permissible for both of you. They shall destroy both of you together and thereby fulfill the wishes of My Majesty.

§11 (A ii 10-13) But if you, Huqqana, protect only My Majesty and take a stand only behind My Majesty, then these oath gods shall benevolently pro- tect you, and you shall thrive in the hand of My Majesty.


§12 (A ii 14-21)3 And when I, My Majesty, am with the army - if I go in battle to the aid of [...], you [must go on campaign] with me. [If I go on campaign] against either an enemy land or an enemy city, you must be with me. And if you are then my [border guard] and watchman, and if you look upon My Majesty as upon your own person, and if you think as follows: "Let whatever happens affect Huqqana, but let every good thing happen to His Majesty," you will uphold the oath.

§13 (A ii 22-25) Protect me from everything! Whoever is evil to [My Majesty] shall be evil to you. If he is My Majesty's enemy, he shall be your enemy. [If] a land or a city is My Majesty's enemy, it shall be your enemy.

§14 (A ii 26-31) [f] some enemy presents himself for My Majesty, or if someone [initiates] a revolt, and I write to you, if you do not come to me immediately with infantry and chariotry, but even prefer him - or if you hear about it yourself and do not then come to me immediately, these oath gods shall destroy you.

Alliance against Revolt

§15 (A ii 32-38) Or further, if some Hittite undertakes evil against me, whatever sort of person he might be - if you hear about him and do not tell me about him at that moment, but even cover up for him, thinking as follows: "Although I am bound by oath, I won't say anything or [do] anything. Let that man do as he will.

§16 (A ii 39-44) Furthermore [...]" And if [you think] such [a thought and] do not report the evil person [to My Majesty immediately], but you [even...] proceed to go over to his side, [these] oath gods shall destroy [you, Huqqana]. They shall not make it [permissible] for you.

§17 (A ii 45-51) Or if you do [something] like this: You undertake [some- thing] against me, or [do not actually undertake it yourself], but someone else [does - if] you do something like that, [these oath] gods shall destroy [you, Huqqana. They shall not make] it permissible for you, and shall not forgive you for it.

§18 (A ii 52-59) Or whatsoever [evil] matter you hear of -[if] you conceal it from me and do not report it to me, [or] conceal that person [from me] and do [not report] him to me, but even hide him - we [have placed] such matters as these under oath for you. If you do not observe it but transgress it, then these oath gods shall destroy you.

§19 (A ii 60-69) But because people <are treacherous...> And [if] because we do not find [your] obligation, if it is not set down on [that] tablet of the oath, [Six lines too fragmentary for translation.] [Then these oath gods shall not] forgive [you for this matter, and these oath gods shall destroy you]. [The next three lines in Text A are too fragmentary for translation. Text B begins with §19, and four fragmentary lines follow a short gap.]

$20 (B obv. 1'-7) [... Or] when I send [...] to the army. [and] you hear of [an evil deed] - if you do [not] write to me about it, but you [conceal it and] do not come [to me immediately], you will transgress the oath.

$21 (B obv. 8'-12') Or if it concerns(?) [the land] of Hayasa - if [you hear of] an evil deed, whatever sort of deed, and if [you do not come] to me [immediately] - or if I write [...] to you: "Now [this] evil deed has now occurred," and you do not [come] to me immediately, then [these] oath gods shall destroy you.

§22 (B obv. 13-16') If you benevolently protect My Majesty, and [stand] behind My Majesty, then [these] oath gods shall benevolently protect [you. And they shall benevolently protect] the land of Hayasa which [I gave to you].
[The next portion of the treaty, represented by the badly damaged upper part of column iii of Text A and the fragmentary close of the obverse of Text B, cannot be translated.]


§23 (A iii 18'-22') [In respect to the fact that] they now bring you up to my palace, and that [you hear about(?)] the customs of the palace - it is impor- tant! You shall not [divulge] outside the palace what [you...] or what you hear.

§24 (A iii 23'-39') Or if I, My Majesty, [impart] to you [my] innermost thoughts and [reveal] my concerns to you - if I have [singled out] some per- son for favor, saying: "This person behaves well, so I, My Majesty, will treat him well" - if you go and repeat this matter to him - (it shall be placed under oath for you). Or if I have singled out a person for harsh treatment saying: "This person is evil, so I, My Majesty, will treat him harshly" - if you go and repeat this matter to him- (it shall be placed under oath for you). [Or] if I have singled out some land or city for favor, saying: "It behaves well, so I, My Majesty, will treat it well" - if you repeat it to that land or city - (it shall be placed under oath for you). Or if I have singled out that land or city for favor or for harsh treatment, and you go and repeat it to them - it shall be placed under oath for you.

Sexual Conduct

§25 (A iii 40-49") Furthermore, this sister whom I. My Majesty, have given to you as your wife has many sisters from her own family as well as from her extended family. They belong to your extended family because you have taken their sister. But for Hatti it is an important custom that a brother does not take his sister or female cousin (sexually). It is not per- mitted. In Hatti whoever commits such an act does not remain alive but is put to death here. Because your land is barbaric, it is in conflict(?). (There) one quite regularly takes his sister or female cousin. But in Hatti it is not permitted.

§26 (A iii 50-58') And if on occasion a sister of your wife, or the wife of a brother, or a female cousin comes to you, give her something to eat and drink. Both of you eat, drink, and make merry! But you shall not desire to take her (sexually). It is not permitted, and people are put to death as a result of that act. You shall not initiate it of your own accord, and if some- one else leads you astray to such an act, you shall not listen to him or her. You shall not do it. It shall be placed under oath for you.

§27 (A iii 59'-67") Beware of a woman of the palace. Whatever sort of palace woman she might be, whether a free woman or a lady's maid, you shall not approach her, and you shall not go near her. You shall not speak a word to her. Your slave or your slave girl shall not go near her. Beware of her. When you see a palace woman, jump far out of the way and leave her a broad path. Beware of this matter of a palace woman.

§28 (A iii 68-73) Who was Mariya, and for what reason did he die? Did not a lady's maid walk by and he look at her? But the father of My Majesty himself looked out the window and caught him in his offense, saying: "You why did you look at her?" So he died for that reason. The man perished just for looking from afar. So you beware.

Miscellaneous Demands

§29 (A iii 74'-83') When you go to the land of Hayasa, you shall no longer take (sexually) the wives of your brother, that is, your sisters. In Hatti it is not permitted. When you come up here to the palace, [that] matter is not permitted. Hereafter you shall not take a woman from the land of Azzi as (an additional) wife. Divorce the one whom you have already taken. She shall legitimately be your concubine, but you shall not make her your wife. And take your daughter away from Mariya and give her to (his?) brother. Turn over the civilian captives of Hatti who have crossed over to Hayasa Return the border districts of Hatti.

§30 (A iii 84-8") You, Huqqana, seize and argue with whoever does not turn over civilian captives of Hatti, but conceals them within your borders saying: "Why don't you give them back?" Let him become angry with you.
[In the approximately eighteen lines that have been lost at the beginning of col- umn iv of Text A the treaty with Huggana comes to an end and the earlier agree- ment with Mariya and the men of Hayasa begins. The first fifteen lines of column in are too fragmentary for connected translation, but we may observe that they deal with the loyalty of a group of men, addressed in the second person plural, to the Hit- tite dynasty. Note: "I have now put you [...] under oath." (A iv 4%) and "[If you] do not in the future benevolently [protect] My Majesty, and do not protect my sons, my grandsons, offspring of the first [and second genera- tions]..."(A iv 8-11)

Loyalty to Hittite King

§31 (A iv 16"-25") [And if some person seeks] evil [...] against [My Majesty, whatever sort] of person [it might be] - if [it is.... if it] is a... of the king or a brother of the king. [if it is...], if it is infantry or [chariotry, if it is] some male or female subject, [if it is] some [...], if it is some army. [if it is some...], if it is some land, [if it is some city(?)], if it is any [sort] of per-

§32 (A iv 26"-33") [if I write] to you, [and you do not come to me] immedi- ately with infantry and chariotry, [but even] allow [him] to make his escape(?), thinking: "How will we follow [...], or will we go?," you will transgress the oath. [If] you [men] of Hayasa favor a Hittite (pretender), and abandon me [and] go over [to him], these oath gods shall destroy whoever of you commits this act, together with your wives, your sons, your house- holds, and your land.

§33 (A iv 34-40') If you do not always listen to me, whatever I write to you, or if you do not come to me immediately when I write to you for infantry and chariotry, or if some other enemy comes in battle against me. and I write to you, and you do not come immediately to [my] aid, but even allow him to make his escape(?), you will transgress the oath.


§34 (A iv 41-44) And [if] in the future you men of Hayasa benevolently protect me, I will benevolently protect you men of Hayasa, Mariya, and your male relatives in Hayasa. I will also benevolently protect the land of Hayasa itself.

§35 (A iv 45-46') And if you behave well and benevolently protect My Majesty and Hatti, I, My Majesty, will behave well toward you.


§36 (A iv 47-49") But if you in any way do evil, then I, My Majesty, will treat you badly. I, My Majesty, shall be free from this oath before the gods.

§37 (A iv 50-59) And if [you men] of Hayasa and Mariya do not observe these words which I have now placed under oath for you, then these oath gods <shall> thoroughly <eradicate> your persons, together with your wives, [your] sons, your [brothers], your sisters, your families, your house- holds, your fields, [your cities(?)], your vineyards, your threshing floors, your cattle, your sheep, [and your other possessions]. They shall also cradi- cate them from the Dark Netherworld below. I [myself] will not do any harm to the men of Hayasa, Mariya, or <the land> of Hayasa.

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