Are the Ten tribes of Israel in another planet?
"The Ten Tribes were taken by force out of the land the Lord gave them. Many of them mixed with the peoples among whom they were scattered. A large portion, however, departed in one body to the north, and disappeared from the rest of the world........that they will return in a body, must be believed, else how shall the scriptures be fulfilled? There are to many prophecies concerning them and their return in a body to ignore the fact."
(The Way to Perfection, 1940 Joseph F. Smith)
"It is no more difficult to transfer the Ten Tribes from this earth to another planet, than it is to take the city of Enoch from this earth, or bring Adam and Eve from another planet."
(Journal of Discourses, Volume 7, pages 285-286, by Brigham Young)
"It has been said by many of the learned, and wise men, or historians, that the Indians, or aborigines of this continent, are of the scattered tribes of Israel. It has been conjectured by many others, that the aborigines of this continent, are not of the tribes of Israel; but the ten tribes have been led away into some unknown regions of the north. Let this be as it may, the prophesy I have just quoted, "will fetch them" in the last days, and place them, in the land which their fathers possessed: and you will find in the 7th verse of the 30th chapter quoted:__ [Deut. 30:7] "And the Lord thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies and on them that hate thee, which persecuted thee."
(Messenger and Advocate, Vol II : 2 : 210)
"The prophet turned to Section 133 and read, commencing at the 26th verse, and throughout the 34th verse. He said, after reading the 31st verse, “Now let me ask you what would cause the Everlasting Hills to tremble with more violence than the coming together of the two planets.
And the place whereon they reside will return to this Earth.” “Now” he said, “scientists will tell you that it is not scientific: that two planets coming together would be disastrous to both, but, when two planets or other objects are traveling in the same direction and one of them with a little greater velocity than the other, it would not be disastrous, because the one traveling faster would overtake the other, and now, what would cause the mountains of ice to melt quicker than the heat caused by the traction of the two planets coming together?” And then he asked the question: “Did you ever see a meteor falling that was not red hot? So that would cause the mountains of ice to melt.”
“And relative to the Great Highway which should be cast up when the planet returns to its place in the great Northern Waters, it will form a highway and waters will recede and roll back. He continued, “Now as to their coming back from the Northern waters; they will return from the north because their planet will return to the place from when it was taken.” ( Robert W. Smith, “Scriptural and Secular Prophecies Pertaining to the Last days,” Pyramid Press, Salt Lake City, Utah 1948, p.211-216, as recorded in “..As a Thief in the Night..” Roger K. Young, 1999, Celestial Publications)
It has been said by many of the learned, and wise men, or historians, that the Indians, or aboriginees of this continent, are of the scattered tribes of Israel. It has been conjectured by many others, that the aboriginees of this continent, are not of the tribes of Israel; but the ten tribes which have been led away into some unknown regions of the north. Let this be as it may, the prophecy I have just quoted, “will fetch them,” in the last days, and place them in the land which their fathers possessed: and (Deut 30—:7.) you will find in the 7th. verse of the 30th. chapter quoted: “and the Lord thy God will put all all these curses upon thine enemies and on them that hate thee, which persecuted thee.”
Many say that this scripture is fulfilled; but let them mark carefully what the Prophet says: “if any are driven out from unto the utmost parts of heaven;” (which must mean the breadths of the earth.) Now this promise is good to any, if there should be such, that are driven out, even in the last days; therefore, the children of the fathers have claim unto this day: and if these curses are to be laid over on the <Book of Mormon 487. P.— and p. 497.> heads of their enemies, wo be unto the Gentiles: (See Book of Mormon 487). “wo unto the unbelieving of the Gentiles saith the Father.” And again, see book of Mormon, page 497, which says; “Behold this people I will <I> establish in this land, unto the fulfilling of the covenant which I made with your father Jacob, and it shall be a new Jerusalem.” Now we learn from the Book of Mormon, the very identical spot continent and [HC 2:261] spot of land, upon which the New Jerusalem is to stand and it must be caught up according to the vision of John upon the isle of Patmos. Now many will be disposed to say, that this New Jerusalem spoken of, is the Jerusalem that was built by the Jews on the eastern Continent: but you will see from Revelations <Revelations 21:2. New Jerusalem> 21:2, There was a New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven adorned as a bride for her husband. That after this the Revelator was caught away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and saw the great and holy City descending out of heaven from God. Now there are two cities spoken of here, as as every thing cannot be had in so narrow a compass as a letter, I shall say with brevity, that there is a new Jerusalem to be established on this continent. And also the New Jerusalem shall be established rebuilt on the eastern continent. See <Book of Mormon page 560.> Book of Mormon page 560, “Behold Ether saw the days of Christ, and he spake also concerning the house of Israel, and the Jerusalem from whence Lehi should come: after it should be destroyed it should be built up again, a holy City unto the Lord: wherefore it could not be a New Jerusalem, for it had been in a time of old.” This may suffice, upon the subject of gathering until my next.
I now proceed, at the close of my letter, to make a few remarks <duty of Elders.> on the duty of elders with regard to their teaching parents and children, husbands and wives, masters and slaves, or servants &c, as I said I would in my former letter. And firstly, it becomes an elder when he is travelling through the world, warning the inhabitants of the earth to gather together, that [p. 624]
To this letter he signs his name “J Dunham Lamanite” Hyrum Kellogg being absent, his son Henry Kellogg, a Universalist preacher takes the letter out of the Post Office and reads it & replies “the mormons ought to be seen to or words to that amount”;— soon afterwards Elder Dunham arrives & confirms the letter by preaching much stronger meat than it contains, both in publick and in private: in publick he says “this nation is about to be destroyed” and suggests to the bretheren that there is a place of safety preparing for them away towards the Rockey mountains they may have a long and crooked Road to go to get there” and says but few will be preserved to arrive there, he suggests that twelve stakes may be built up & again thrown down—that the ten tribes are somewhere on a Planet taken from this Plannet which when it comes back will cause this earth to reel to and fro like two Boats meeting—12 that Adam had 15 or 16 sons before Cain &c.13 We acknowledge that men of God ought to have enough of this his spirit to enable them to understand all things as they come along; but such teachings are not all understood in this place, they are calculated to make excitement & what the consequences may be I am not able to say. We are not only willing but greatly desire to receive all necessary instructions and information in the order and own due time of the Lord, and whatever and whatever the consequences may be to try to bear up under them as well as we can.
Grandfather said he was reading the Doctrine and Covenants. He rose hurriedly and answered the summons at the door, where he met the Prophet Joseph Smith. He said, ‘Brother Brown, can you keep me over night, the mobs are after me?’ Grandfather answered, ‘Yes, sir. It will not be the first time, come in.’ ‘All right,’ the Prophet said, shutting the door quickly. He came in and sat down. Grandmother said: ‘Brother Joseph, have you had your supper?’ ‘No’ he answered, ‘I have not.’ So she prepared him a meal and he ate it. Afterward thy were in conversation relative to the principles of the Gospel. During the conversation the Ten Lost Tribes were mentioned. Grandfather said, ‘Joseph, where are the Ten Tribes?’ He said ‘Come to the door and I will show you, come on Sister Brown, I want you both to see.’ It being a starlight night the Prophet said ‘Brother Brown,can you show me the Polar Star?’ ‘Yes, Sir,’ he said, pointing to the North Star. ‘There it is.’ ‘Yes, I know’ said the Prophet, ‘But which one? There are a lot of stars there.’ Grandfather said: ‘Can you see the points of the Dipper?’ The Prophet answered, ‘Yes.’ ‘Well’ he said, ‘trace the pointers,’ pointing up to the largest star. ‘That is the North Star.’ The Prophet answered: ‘You are correct. Now,’ he said, pointing toward the star, ‘do you discern a little twinkler to the right and below the Polar Star, which we would judge to be about the distance of twenty feet from here?’ Grandfather answered, ‘Yes, sir.’ The Prophet said: ‘Sister Brown, do you see that star also?’ Her answer was, ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘Very well then, he said, ‘let’s go in.’ … Brother [Israel] Call, you have here read the statement of Brother [Homer M.] Brown [Patriarch of Granite Stake, and grandson of Benjamin Brown] concerning the Ten Tribes of Israel being upon another planet besides this. ‘Yes, and I have heard my father [Anson] relate the same regarding the Ten Tribes, and father heard the Prophet make the same statement that the Ten Tribes are on a another planet, as related by Brother Brown. ([Signed] Israel Call, Given to High Councillor Theodore Tobiason, October 19th, 1924.)
September 28, 1931, the late Lorin C. Woolley related in the writers presence, of having asked Eliza R. Snow and John Van Cott to relate the Prophet’s statement relative to the location of the ‘Ten Tribes’, and which was made by the Prophet at a meeting of a few Saints in Nauvoo. Joseph stated, according to these two parties, that the ‘Ten Lost Tribes’ were on a planet separated from this Earth by water and air. (Joseph W. Musser, Truth 7:182.)
In the course of his remarks he spoke of the earth being divided at various times. He said, “When Enoch and his City was taken away, a portion of the earth was taken and would again be restored. Also in the days of Peleg, the earth was divided, see Genesis 10th Chapter, 25th verse.” He then referred to the ‘Ten Tribes’ saying, “You know a long time ago in the days of Shalmanezar King of Assyria when the Ten Tribes was taken away, and never heard of since.” He said, “The Earth will be restored as at the beginning, and the last taken away will be the first to return; for the last shall be first, and the first will be last in all things.” He illustrated the return by saying: “Some of you brethren have been coming up the river on a steamboat, and while seated at the table, the steamboat run against a snag which upset the table and scattered the dishes; so it will be when these portions of the earth return. It will make the earth reel to and fro like a drunken man,” quoting 24th chapter [of] Isaiah, 20th verse. When speaking of the return of the Ten Tribes, he said, “The mountains of ice shall flow down at their presence, and a highway shall be cast up in the middle of the great deep.” (Wandle Mace Journal, 1809-1890, p. 38-39.)
“When the world was first made it was a tremendous big thing. The Lord concluded it was too big. We read in the scriptures that in the days of Peleg the earth was divided so the Lord divided the earth. When the ten tribes of the children of Israel went into the north country he divided it again, so the earth has been divided and subdivided. We also read in the scriptures that the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunken man. What shall cause this earth to reel to and fro like a drunken man? We read that the stars shall fall to the earth like a fig falling from a fig tree. When these stars return to the place where they were taken from, it will cause the earth to reel to and fro. Not that the planets will come squarely against one another, in such case both planets would be broken to pieces. But in their rolling motion they will come together where they were taken from which will cause the earth to reel to and fro.” (Joseph Smith, Winter 1840, Vincent Knight home, Samuel Holister Rogers Journal, p. 17.)
Coming in one day and seeing my geography on my lap, he [Jacob Hamblin] told [me] that the Prophet said to him that at the North Pole is [a] convex or cup shaped [depression] with the deepest sea resting there. The planet that belonged to that part of the world would in time return to its place, strike the earth at that part, complete the sphere. The result would be a ‘reeling to and fro like a drunken man’ by the Earth … (Biographical Record of Martha Cragun Cox, p. 104. Church Historican Department.)
The stars which will fall to the Earth, are fragments, which have been broken off from the Earth from time to time, in the mighty convulsions of nature…. some with the Ten Tribes … These must all be restored again at the ‘times of the restitution of all things.’ (This will restore the Ten Tribes of Israel;… (Parley P. Pratt, Millenial Star 1:258. – date?)
And when the Lord saw fit to hide The Ten Lost Tribes away, Thou, Earth, was severed to provide The orb on which they stay. Eliza R. Snow, Address to Earth, Millenial Star 13:272.