Personal Research and Studies

Mainly thoughts from my scripture study, but also little bit of everything else.

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Remembering Manasseh

Nephi deeply understood the intricate connections within the Hebrew scriptures, revealing that the Lord's love for Israel is everlasting and unwavering in Isaiah 48-49.

Much of my gospel vs the fullness of the gospel 13:34-35

In 1 Nephi 13:34, the Lord promises to bring forth "much of my gospel" to the Gentiles, signifying a significant yet incomplete portion.

Stones and Recreation: A Comparative Analysis of Joshua 3-4 and Isaiah 49:22-23

Isaiah 49:22-23 contains several wordlinks that connect the themes of creation and recreation found in Joshua chapters 3-4.

Israel war, setting up the stage for the false prophet? (2 Nephi 25:18)

Nephi prophesied that the Jews, in their long wait for deliverance, would face deception by a false messiah.

Ancient Writtings

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